About ME??! Well, I have many roles: wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, Coach- and artist.
I've spent too long hiding my talents and artistic dreams...guess that's another role to add-
-procrastinator!!! :) I love to draw
Drawing, painting, designing, doodling, and CREATING always brings more joy to life. I cannot yet say I'm capable of doing ANYthing- but I will sure take on any artistic request someone brings to the table. I love to draw-
Happily married to a fantastic man, recently blessed with a beautiful son, and have a wonderful sunset view each night. A supportive and loving family...I get summers off from work...I know who I am, why I'm here, and where I'm going. What's NOT to be thankful for??! I am blessed indeed.
-Oh and did I mention? I love to draw ;)